Must-Have Extracurricular Activities In Your school

Before we, as Ideal Education Point (New Choudhary Public School), begin our blog, let us ask you a question, what is true and complete education? Is it the learning of facts and giving exams alone, or is it the one with values and holistic development of students? If you chose the latter, then you are right. Education these days is beyond the four walls of a classroom. That’s why you must look for co-curricular activities in your school, or as a parent, look for these must-have extracurricular activities before enrolling your child in an RBSE Affiliated School in Rajasthan.

An overview of extracurricular activities

If you already know what extracurricular activities are, you can skip to the central part of this blog by NCPS Jaipur. This overview section is here so we can be on the same page. So before we, as Ideal Education Point (New Choudhary Public School), begin the blog, here’s a small definition.

        Extracurricular activities refer to those activities that students undertake side by side with academic learning. It lets the pupils enhance personalities and exhibit non-academic abilities.     

Extracurricular activities, which you must look for in your child’s school

A school's list of extracurricular activities decides what the campus is willing to offer its students for an all-inclusive learning experience. This list can be endless, but we have picked these top 5 for a reason. Here are the must-have co-curricular activities in RBSE Schools in Pratap Nagar Sanganer

Theater: The first on our list is the classic theater for drama, plays, stage shows, and whatnot. It is said that many famous actors of today started with theater in school. Even if your child doesn't want to become an actor, there are many benefits of showcasing your confidence in front of the audience, like independence, enhanced oral skills, etc.     

Dance: Who doesn’t love dancing? It is fun and energetic and lets you freely move and express yourself. However, perseverance and self-motivation also help students grow emotionally, socially, and cognitively.

        We can encourage students to enhance skills day by day.

        When a student masters a complicated move, that feeling of accomplishment is incomparable.

        Dance is also an excellent activity for the health and fitness of the students.  

Music: Music is directly linked to developing your brain’s areas connected to language and reasoning. It also has two more benefits.

        A student also improves memory skills, serving well in education and beyond books.

        Playing music daily also soothes the mind and makes anxiety zero, which is excellent for pupils.  

Creative writing: As the name implies, creative writing is all about writing creatively. This activity is a must-have in the Best Schools in Pratap Nagar Jaipur. It is the only fun activity that can enhance the communication and vocabulary skills of the students.

Painting: Painting and related activities such as drawing, arts, and activities are a must-have in schools. Such activities let students explore the imagination while also giving relaxation.  

This brings our blog to a conclusion. We hope it helped you today with some helpful information. With that, we wish you all the best for a bright future. Thank you for reading.


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